This years´ competition was scheduled for April 16
th – 19
th 2020. The Team did a great job designing and building two prototypes which showed phenomenal flight characteristics. Just before finishing the competition aircraft and shipping it to Wichita, we received a shocking message from the AIAA.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the AIAA decided to cancel the whole Fly-Off in Wichita, Kansas. We understand the decision as the health of the whole team has highest priority. Nonetheless the team was very frustrated and disappointed after investing more than 3800 working hours, a lot of money and pure dedication to this great project.
The organizing committee decided to judge the result solely based on the design reports of each team. Out of 143 teams which handed in proposals, 113 were selected for participating at the Fly-Off. We knew the design report was very important in order to have a chance at the competition and therefor we invested a lot of time in the design report. The hard work payed off and we achieved the 8
th place ex aequo with two other teams, as the best non-american team with only 5 points behind the winning team. At a real competition we would have caught up with the teams easily. The AIAA published some videos of the teams so everybody can see what the other teams designed and what they are capable of. On the one hand we are very proud of us by achieving a great report and a really good design but on the other hand we are disappointed that we can’t show of
Mosquito at the Fly-Off and probably win the competition for the first time.
But we keep our heads up and next year we will come back stronger, for sure!