DBF25 – The Seeschwalbe Era
New Year, New Challenge, New Team! We are excited to kick off a new year of aviation innovation with the X-1 Supersonic Flight Program! Our team is ready to design and build an aircraft capable of launching an autonomous X-1 test vehicle - we can’t wait to...
May we introduce: Diamond Aircraft Industries
Diamond Aircraft, headquartered in Austria with facilities in Canada and China, is amongst the leading aircraft manufacturer in General Aviation. Founded in 1981, Diamond has pioneered many aviation firsts and achieved numerous milestones and industry expert...
May we introduce: ACS Logistics
ACS Logistics is a leading logistics company based in Austria with headquarters in Hörsching, near Linz and an additional location at Vienna Airport. They specialize in providing customized logistics solutions for air freight, sea freight, and integrated logistics,...
May we introduce: Pankl Aerospace
PANKL AEROSPACE SYSTEMS, with locations in the USA and EU, serves the global aviation market in the civil and military sectors as a Tier 1 supplier for systems in fixed-wing aircraft, rotorcraft and spacecraft. Propulsion systems and components ...
May we introduce: FACC AG
FACC is a worldwide leading aerospace company in design, development and production of aerospace technologies and advanced aircraft lightweight systems. Every second, there is an aircraft taking off with FACC technology on board. Being the technology...
Welcome DBF 23
New year, new competition, new mission! After a very succesfull year of DBF 22, it's now time to get started again. We are very happy to announce that our new team DBF 23 is ready for take-off! With 50 students from bachelor and master degree, we are working on our...
DBF-2022 TEAM Thomas Teichmeister Team Engineering and Design Matthias Spitzauer Management and Marketing Sophie Charlotte Benkwitz Technical Documentation Competition The competition of 2022 took place in Wichita, Kansas from 21 - 24 April 2022 . The topic was a so...
May we introduce: SCOTTY Group Austria GmbH
This post we want to dedicate to SCOTTY Group Austria GmbH. SCOTTY Group Austria GmbH is a company based in Raaba-Grambach, Styria. The company was founded in 1994 and now has 33 employees. SCOTTY specializes in beyond line-of-sight audio, video and data for...
May we introduce: ÖAMTC Flugrettung
The next sponsor we want to introduce to you is ÖAMTC Air Rescue. ÖAMTC Air Rescue is our main sponsor this year. So, we would like to start with a statement from them: "New technologies such as unmanned aerial vehicles will permanently change medical care in the...
May we introduce: ACS Logistics
In the next few blog posts we want to introduce you to three of our sponsors. We would like to start with ACS Logistics. The headquarters of the company is located in Hörsching near Linz in Austria. Two other locations are in Graz and at Vienna Airport. ACS Logistics...
DBF-2021 TEAM Thomas Leitgeb Team Engineering and Design Vanessa Halwax Management and Marketing Michael Berlitz Technical Documentation Virtual Fly-off This years’ competition was in form of a virtual Fly-Off, where we had to submit a video which shows our aircraft...
Fly-off 10th October 2020
After an abrupt corona-related end of the 2020 DBF competition in March, the team decided to organize a final event to celebrate and round off this year’s project. As soon as we were allowed to enter the FH JOANNEUM laboratory again our competition aircraft Mosquito...
DBF-2020 TEAM Manuel Hafenscherer Team Engineering and Design Gregor Seemann-Hamm Management and Marketing Raphaela Reiner Technical Documentation COMPETITION This years´ competition was scheduled for April 16th – 19th 2020. The Team did a great job designing and...
The Best non-American Contender
The Best non-American Contender (ex aequo with The University of Alabama and Khalifa University)We are very proud to announce that we reached the 8th place which makes us to the best not in America located university. The COVID-19 crisis also struck the AIAA...
The journey of DBF19 ends, but not without causing further sensation
It started in Graz in autumn 2018. We, 29 aviation students of the FH JOANNEUM, took previous students as a role model and prepared us for the participation in the DESIGN-BUILD-FLY contest in Tucson, Arizona. The time in the US was very successful: We achieved the 3rd...
This week, on the 3rd to the 4th of December, the AIRCONTACT`19 organised by the ACstyria Mobilitätscluster took place. Many thanks to voestalpine BÖHLER Aerospace GmbH & Co KG and FH JOANNEUM that we were able to participate at the conference day! Everything was...
DBF-2020 Team is ready for take-off!
Wichita, we are on the way! Like our predecessors, we had to wait until this particular day to get the official acceptance for this year’s DBF-competition. But what is it all about? We are especially proud to be able to announce that we are one of 113 teams which got...
Excursion to Peak Technology and FACC
Thanks to the support of the „Aviation“ Institute of the FH JOANNEUM we had the great opportunity to visit two Austrian aviation companies in Upper Austria. Our journey startet at 7 a.m. with a cosy bus ride to Holzhausen, where we got a two hour tour through the...
Kleeblattlauf 2019
It was a great day at the 35. Kleeblattlauf 2019! We were participating with a lot of teams consisting of students from the bachelor's degree, master's degree and employees from the FH JOANNEUM. For a couple of years now we compete at the Kleeblattlauf with the main...
Visit of Dan Dumbacher at the FH Joanneum
Shaping the Future of Aerospace Dan Dumbacher, executive director of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) visited the FH JOANNEUM on the 14th of June and held a motivational speech about "Shaping the Future of Aerospace". The AIAA organises...
Thomas Leitgeb, the vice team leader of Team Drone Tech, tells the story of how this project came to live: The idea of a tri-rotor tiltable Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) in flying wing configuration started out 1 year ago. The thought of being able to take-off...
5. General Assembly
The joanneum Aeronautics elected a new board! On Thursday, the 21.03.2019 the general assembly of the joaneum Aeronautics took place. After a review of the year's events which was held by the team leader of the Team Drone Tech and the Design-Build-Fly team, some more...
Automatic Gliding for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
The increased use of unmanned aerial vehicles raises the question of how their range and time of flight can be improved. Raphael Vierhauser and Luis Trojer, two team members who are excellent FPV racers and knowledgeable about drone building, face up to this topic in...
Demonstration of a Reverse Engineering Process for a Historic Aircraft Model Based on 2D-Drawings
Michael Lampesberger, a team member, was analysing the design process of an aircraft in his bachelor’s thesis. He performed his task by creating a historical flight model through reverse engineering. The foundation is the 1932 published blueprint of the so called...
Concept and Design of a Modular CNS / ATM Receiver System
A high-frequency receiver must be designed very careful and well-considered to get useful signals. Jakob Bauer designed a receiver chain that is additionally modular constructed to be used as an illustrative material in lectures as well as a generally usable flexible...
DBF19 Official Roll Out
Thank you for your support! On March 1st the teams’ official competition aircraft “BOBBY” was presented at the Roll Out Event. Numerous sponsors and other guests gathered in the aviation laboratory at the FH Joanneum in Graz, where the DBF-2019 team members awaited...
Concept Development for a Heavy-Duty Drone
The need for drones is growing steadily. Therefore, new and more efficient concepts are needed especially for increasing payloads and as a replacement for helicopters. Benjamin Haller, a team member, wrote his bachelor’s thesis about such heavy-duty drones. A...
Mechanical Conception and Construction of a Dualcopter
Klaus Graf, a team member who is currently doing his master's degree in aviation, worked on a very interesting project in his first bachelor thesis. A dualcopter in general is an exotic type of multicopter. The realization can pursue in different ways. This project...
Simulation of Flight Data in MATLAB®
The aim of this project, which Arian Ghoddousi a member of Team Drone Tech is currently working on, was to compute and simulate aircraft flight data. The data output was designed to look like a common general aviation plane cockpit, like the Cessna C172. During the...
Matlab Programming Project
During the third semester students have to fulfil a MATLAB® programming project. One of these projects was realised by Victoria and Annika together with two fellow students. It was a quadcopter failure simulation which will be used in a later task to analyse failures...
DBF-2019 Team is accepted!
We are in! Our aircraft proposal has officially been accepted for the competition and we are under the top 100 teams worldwide! As every year the task is going to prove a challenge for every participating team. The objective for this year is to design a multi-purpose...
DBF-2019 TEAM Markus Kucera Technical Documentation Miriam Scharf Management Mathias Krampl Engineering COMPETITION This year’s fly-off is scheduled for 11-14 April 2019 at the TIMPA facility in Tucson, Arizona. The objective for the DBF 2018/19 competition is to...
Coorperation with Drone Rescue Systems
For 1 1/2 years we have a cooperation with the company "Drone Rescue Systems" (=DRS). This partnership is a great opportunity for Team Drone Tech to expand our research duty. Drone Rescue Systems developed the fastest and most efficient parachute safety solution for...
New members and get-together!
One of our goals is for the team to constantly grow in members, therefore the team introduced itself at the Aviation and Computer Electronics degree course. After a big meeting for everyone interested in joining the team, the ones who wanted to join had to pass a...
16th Rank in DBF 2018 Competition in Wichita!
The joanneum Aeronautics Design/Build/Fly Team reached the 16th rank in the 22nd Design/Build/Fly competition and is the second best Non-US team. The contest took place between 19-22 April in Wichita, Kansas. All in all, 91 teams managed to qualify for the fly-off and...
DBF18 Team arrives in Wichita
Finally, the team arrived after a long journey in Wichita! Humble B also survived the transport undamaged and is now being prepared for the competition.
Humble Bee is now a TV-Star!
A team of the ORF, the national television, was accompanying the DBF-Team during the last training session in Weiz. The training was quite challenging for the flight crew, because of the strong and gusty winds up to 40 km/h. Although never flown in such conditions,...
Team on the way to the US
A few days ago, the transport box with the competition aircraft inside was picked up by our logistics partner ACS Logistics. We received already the notification, that it landed safely in Chicago and that it will soon be shipped to Wichita. The team is following...
DBF18 Aircraft Roll-Out
After many months of hard work the competition aircraft was completed in time about one and a half months before the fly-off in the US. The team invited its sponsors and supporters to an exclusive aircraft roll-out event. It was an ideal opportunity, to get acquainted...
ADB SAFEGATE Graz is recruiting!
ADB SAFEGATE Graz, one of the top partners of the DBF-Team, is looking for motivated, aviation passionate students and graduates to reinforce their team. ADB SAFEGATE provides the technology and solutions that make airports more efficient, safer and sustainable, and...
Second Flight of HumbleBee
Successful Test Flight of the 2nd Prototype! On Wednesday, 17th of January 2018, the test flight of the teams second prototype took place at the USFC-Stainztal airfield. After implementing the lessons learned from the first prototype, the second prototype promised...
New Dual Extrusion 3D Printer!
Das Team Drone Tech startet erfolgreich ins neue Jahr mit einer besonderen Neuanschaffung, die das 3D-Drucken von Drohnen- und Zubehörteilen noch effizienter und schneller gestalten soll. Der Xinkebot Orca 2 3D-Drucker hat es endlich nach langem Weg über die halbe...
Team Drone Tech & Drone Rescue
Da das Team Drone Tech auch um die sonst so stressige Weihnachtszeit nicht die Füße hochlegt sondern weiterhin die Arbeit an erster Stelle steht gibt es hier einen kleinen Vorgeschmack auf die derzeitige Zusammenarbeit mit unserem fantastischen Kooperationspartner...
1st Flight of HumbleBee
HumbleBee is flying! On Sunday 3rd of December a special event took place. The first prototype of our competition aircraft HumbleBee had its maiden flight. All our expectations were surpassed. HumbleeBee impressed with very good handling and flying characteristics. We...
The AirContact’17 fair took place on 21 & 22 November 2017. This years slogan was „2050: Vision and Goals of the Aerospace Industry.“ The joanneum Aeronautics DBF Team could, thanks to the support of ACstyria and FH JOANNEUM, participate in this event. For the...
DBF18 Team is accepted!
We are in! Our aircraft proposal has officially been accepted for the competition and we are under the top 100 teams worldwide! This years task is as challenging as in the years before. The objective is to design a dual purpose regional and business aircraft which has...
DBF-2018 TEAM DIRECTORS COMPETITION The competition took place from 19-22 April 2018 in Wichita, Kansas. The task was to design a dual purpose regional and business aircraft, which should be capable of transporting passengers in form of bouncy balls and cargo in form...
Summer Spritzerstandl 2017
A great Spritzerstandl in the middle of a really choppy weather. Our first Spritzerstandl took place at the FH court in Graz on 31st of May. It was a great success and we really want to thank everybody for joining us though it was temporarely rainy! After the short...
This was DBF17, Videotagebuch
Day 01 - Vorstellung am Grand Canyon Das jA DBF17 Team ist erfolgreich in Amerika angekommen und auf dem Weg nach Tucson. Day 02 - Crossbow geliefert und Reihung der Startplätze Verkündung unseres Startplatzes und Vorstellung der Unterkunft in Tucson, Arizona. Day 03...
Thanks for the support: qpunkt
Die qpunkt GmbH wurde im Jahr 2008 gegründet, ist seit Februar 2014 Mitglied der AVL Group und hat sich, als innovativer Engineering-Dienstleister mit Hauptsitz in Graz (Österreich) und fünf Zweigstellen in Deutschland - Ingolstadt, München, Stuttgart, Heilbronn,...
CFK Lab Session – DIY Frames!
While our colleagues of the DBF Team are overseas fighting for a good rank in the championship (good luck over there, guys!), the Team Drone Tech guys used the now less stressful laboratory environment to roll their sleeves up and get things done. The main goal of the...
Generalversammlung 2017
Am 29.03.2017 ging an der FH JOANNEUM die 3. Generalversammlung der joanneum Aeronautics über die Bühne. Begonnen wurde mit einem Rückblick ins vergangene Vereinsjahr und den Abschlussberichten von Kassier und den Teams. Auch eine Neuwahl stand am Programm, wobei es...
Welcom on Board: AXIS Flight Training Systems GmbH
Axis – The Next Generation of Flight Simulators Axis Flight Training Systems makes the most advanced flight simulators on the market today. Their unique modular design makes them readily customizable, and they are more efficient, easier to operate and have higher ROI...
Am 11.03.2017 konnten wir uns in unserer vollen Größe einem rießigen Publikum beim OPENHOUSE DAY der FH JOANNEUM präsentieren. Begonnen mit dem Precision-Flight-Team und deren Ikarus C42 an der Alten Poststraße, über die das Team-Drone-Tech mit verschiedensten Koptern...
Upcoming Saturday (11.03.2017) we are part of the OPENHOUSE DAY of the FH JOANNEUM in GRAZ! At 11:30 we will give a prensentation in lecture hall G.AP147.004 about our actual projects and achievements. FH JOANNEUM Alte Poststraße 147 | 8020 Graz - G.AP147.004 | 11:30...
Welcome on Board: Rail Tec Arsenal
English version We are happy to introduce you to another company which supports us on our way to Tucson. The joanneum Aeronautics DBF 2017 Team would like to thank RTA for the support. Here are some information about our partner. Rail Tec Arsenal The ice age for...
Milestone achieved: Submission of Design Report
Yesterday we came one step closer to Tucson, as we submitted our Design Report to the AIAA officials. Since the design report has such a large influence on the final score, a lot of focus and ambition was needed to bring out the best possible outcome. Under the...
Welcome on Board: AeronautX Luftfahrtschule
AeronautX steht für Qualität Vor 20 Jahren gegründet, hat die AeronautX Luftfahrtschule mehrere Hundert Piloten dabei unterstützt, einen Arbeitsplatz als Linienpilot zu finden. Erfahrene Fluglehrer und bewährte Ausbildungsmethodik kombiniert mit modernem multi-media...
Brushless Motor Test Bench
We are using our study breaks at the end of the semester wisely and working on a test bench for the brushless motors used by our quadcopters. Design is nearly done, just a few more adjustments and a change of the used micro controller. Software is up and running. Stay...
AC Styria goes jAeronautics
Today we were glad to welcome two representatives of the AC Styria in our aviation lab. We showed them our nearly finished competition plane and had a nice Q&A session with them. The AC Styria already sponsored the DBF15 Team two years ago and is now thinking...
11th place after the proposal submission for our DBF Team! The AIAA Design Build Fly Organisation announced the scores for the submitted proposals. We are very happy to be within the TOP15 already and we are really working hard to build a great plane. A nice detail...
Visitors from the Netherlands
Yesterday we were glad to welcome visitors from the Netherlands, exactly from the inholland university of applied sciences. This university has a partnership with the FH JOANNEUM, which enables our student colleagues exchanges during the 5th semester of the bachelors...
Creating YouTube Channel
Due to our flight sessions, we try to catch some epic pictures and videos and created our first official YouTube channel. When we first came into the drone world we benefited quite a lot of all the videos and blog out there about drones. It's important to us that we...
Prototype – First Flight
Dear Ladys and Gents, we're very happy to announce to you, that our prototype for this years contest managed to spread its wings! All went well during these first flight tests and thankfully our bird flies like a charm. We are sure you do understand that there will be...
ACstyria Luftfahrttag 2016
Dear Ladys and Gents, this update is about our booth at this years ACstyria Luftfahrttag 2016 (Day of Aviation) at Graz Airport [LOWG]. We were able to establish precious contacts to the industry and met with those, who we already and thankfully count as close...
Team Picture 2017
Dear Ladys and Gents, we start off by introducing our new team for this DBF 2017 contest. Călin Șarlă, Marco Sattlegger, Cleon Regensburger, Marie-Anne Tamaro, Patrick Graupp, Christoph Wieland, Marco Ferrares, Christoph Birnbaumer, Lukas Grabner, Peter Resch, David...
jA DBF 17 Team is accepted !
We are proud to announce that the joanneum Aeronautics DBF Team got accepted by the AIAA and is now part of the competition in April 7! During the next months the team has to build a Tube-Launched-Aircraft, which can transport at least 3 Hockey-Pucks. You can find the...
FPV Airmasters Graz
Thanks to FH Joanneum we had the opportunity to be part of the FPV Airmasters 2016 convention in the Messe Halle in Graz. We represented the whole Joanneum Aeronautics Team and the weird green electric snow mobile right in the picture. Even though the convention was...
Infineon challenge
After we founded the team, our first challenge was the project hosted by Infineon. The purpose of the challenge was not only to implement different features on Infineon's own quad-copter flight controller but also to create a sort of community. Therefore...
Final Results – Season 2016
Dear Ladys and Gents, as we recieved the final stats for this season we are happy to present them to you: Total Score: Team Maier and Janisch: Rank #7 Team Scharf and Reisner: Rank #10 Landing Score: Team Scharf and Reisner: Rank #5 Team Maier and Janisch: Rank #7...
Chilled Weekend Session
Today was a good day at the field. At least for most of us. Chris decided to take the whole payload thing to the next level and strapped another camera on his Orange 250. There was just one problem... The ESC's didn't really agree to his plan and caught fire half way...
5th Event – Ried/Kirchheim [LOLK]
Dear Ladys and Gents, Ried/Kirchheim was our last oppurtunity to show off our skills for this season. Sadly Mr. Reisner was hindered and Mr. Gassner did his best to substitute him in this event. We actually did pretty well with rank #6 for Team Maier and Janisch and a...
Foundation of the team
Beacause of the uprising drone industry the decision to found a drone team at the FH Joanneum Graz with the Joanneum Aeronautics was kind of a given. The aim was to find students who want to extend their knowledge regarding drones in general. As the curriculum of our...
4th Event – Weiz [LOGW]
We are proud to announce that the joanneum Aeronautics DBF Team got accepted by the AIAA and is now part of the competition in April 7 ! ring the next months the team has to build a Tube-Launched-Aircraft, which can transport at least 3 Hockey-Pucks. You can find the...
3rd Event – Wolfsberg [LOKW] cancelled
Due to bad weather the 3rd event in Wolfsberg [LOKW] had been cancelled. The next competition will take place at Weiz [LOGW] from 24th to 25th June 2016. Stay tuned and fly high, your jA Precision Flight Team 16
First and Second Event – Spitzerberg [LOAS]
Dear Ladys and Gents, We just finished both events (05-07.05.2016) on Spitzerberg and are happy to tell you about our top ten ranks! At the first event Team Scharf and Reisner achieved a good rank #10 and Team Maier and Janisch a well balanced rank #12. Directly after...
Kick-off 2016
We, the Precision Flight Team of the joanneum Aeronautics are very proud to announce you, that we are going to take part in some great events this season. This years season consists of five major events. We'll start off at Spitzerberg and then head over to Weiz after...
Competition day 2&3
Hi Folks! Due to the busy days and all excitement here, we have decided to summarize both day 2 and 3 in one video. On the second competition day we managed to be the first team to finish all missions (including the Bonus-mission)!! The weather wasn't that good, so...
Competition day 1
Hi Folks! Day one is finished! For all information a video about our first competition day here in Wichita is provided bellow! But to sum it up in a few words: After day one we flow 2 out of 3 missions successfully and completed the very windy day on 4th position...
Final preparations
Hi Folks! It’s time for the next update. This time a video about our preparation day here in Wichita Yay! Next update will follow tomorrow night. Stay tuned, Your joanneum Aeronautics - DBF Team
Visiting Florida
Hi folks! It’s time for the next update. Actually during writing this we arrived in our hotel room in Wichita. The last few days we spent our time in Miami Beach and Daytona Beach. During this time we visited Key West, the most southern point of the USA, and we also...
New York, New York
Hi folks! It’s time for the next update. During writing this article we were waiting at LGA (LaGuardia Airport) for our flight to MIA (Miami International Airport). We will stay in Miami till 11th of April and travel to Daytona Beach afterwards. We will also check out...
Let’s go to the USA
Hi folks! When you read this article we already landed safely in New York JFK! Now a very exciting and adventurous time starts for the whole DBF Team: staying 20 days in the US!! First we will stay 5 days in New York City, after ‘The city that never sleep’ we...
Counting down
As the Joanneum Aeronautics DBF team is almost heading to the USA for the contest, the final preparations have to be performed. Besides these preparations, the Joanneum Aeronautics team was also present at the Open House of the FH Joanneum. A lot of new potential...
Meet & Greet
On the 18th of March 2016, a nice Meet & Greet with Mag. Raoul Fortner from our mainsponsor Austrian Aeronautics Industries Group (AAI) took place in our laboratory.
Success Story
On Tuesday 10 November 2015, the joanneum Aeronautics Team held its Succes Story event. In the building of the Engineering Department, many people gathered to listen to the exciting stories, told by the members of both the Design-Build-Fly team and the Precision...
DBF team ’15 – ’16
As the new academic year has started the new jA Design-Build-Fly team has taken off. Not only is the team enriched with new members but its structure has been undergoing important changes as well. We are glad to announce that DI (FH) Lukas Andracher will continue to...
constitutive meeting
Many important things for the association itself happened this week. On Monday the "Constitutive Meeting" took place at the FH JOANNEUM. Within this meeting we had the election for our new executive committee. Here is the outcome of the election: Head of...
New department
At the moment the joanneum Aeronautics team is under transformation. We have successfully finished our mission at the DBF contest in Tucson (a final resume will be available soon), so we are working on new projects now. One of the most recent developments is a new...
Final resume
On April the 10th 2015, the joanneum Aeronautics Team finally arrived in Tucson (AZ) where the annual Design, Build, Fly contest takes place. The event sponsored by Cessna and Raytheon encourages students from all over the world to design, build and fly a...
Third day
With a short delay a new update from the last competition day. Our team is very proud to announce, that we have reached the 24th or 25th place at the DBF contest in tucson. The exact results will be published soon on the DBF homepage!// Anyway we...
Second day
The second competition day is now over. The joanneum Aeronautics team has successfully finished all the missions at the AIAA Design/Build/Fly contest in Tucson. We were able to improve our result at the ground mission (loading the cargo into the aircraft in the least...
First day
The first day off the DBF contest in Tucson is over. Here is a short summary for all off our fans out there: The technical inspection went really well, also the wing bending test. For our first mission we were able to fly 6 laps, which is a great score. We also did...
Arrival at Tucson
In the last hours the joanneum Aeronautics team has arrived in Tucson. Before the contest starts, the aircraft is reassembled and small repairs are done. In addition the team will check out the competition site and the team aeras at TIMPA airfield. Our team will...
Off to the US
Over 9600km away and more than 14 hours of flight time; the joanneum Aeronautics team is heading to the US. The first out of many destinations is the beautiful city of San Francisco. In parallel a wooden crate containing the jA14 is on its way to the airfield in...
Technical inspection
The jA14 has passed the technical approval yesterday. The tests were conducted by DI(FH) Lukas Andracher, a specialist for RPAS-construction at FH Joanneum. Before the final inspection started, the last changes were performed. The safety regulations for the DBF...
The final jA14
Good news from the engineers. Before the weekend, the joanneum Aeronautics engineers have finished their work on the final version of the jA14. As a result of hundreds of working hours, the aircraft is now ready for the contest in April 15. Currently the last flight...
Open House
On 14th of march 2015 the Open House 15 @ FH Joanneum took place in Graz. Future students had the possibility to gain an impression about studying at FH Joanneum. Also the aviation department was represent and contributed with interesting exhibition pieces and...
The aircraft
The challenge for 2014/15 is the development of a competition UAV for the Design/Build/Fly contest. We are only aiming for the best results, therefore our main focus was to optimize the UAV according to the competitions rules. We identified the following key...
Flight Test
After the first prototype was finished, the main focus was laid on the flight tests. Flight tests are important to prove the concept, to evaluate important parameters and to find areas of improvement. The first tests took place at an airfield near Graz. The wind was...
The joanneum Aeronautics team is now officially launched. The main presentation took place at FH Joanneum in the afternoon hours on 11th December 2014. The event was well attended by a huge number of students and lecturers, as well as members of FH Joanneums...
The contest
Design/Build/Fly, or DBF, is a radio-controlled aircraft competition sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Cessna Aircraft Company, and Raytheon Missile Systems. The competition is intended to challenge the AIAA student branches...
We are listed!
Today we have taken a giant step toward Tuscon, Arizona. Since October 13, 2014 at 2pm UTC, we are listed as an official participant of the Design / Build / Fly Contest 2015. Now it´s getting serious. Our engineering department is already working at full speed...