At the moment the joanneum Aeronautics team is under transformation. We have successfully finished our mission at the DBF contest in Tucson (a final resume will be available soon), so we are working on new projects now. One of the most recent developments is a new department inside the joanneum Aeronautics team: “Precision flight”
Under the professional supervision of Ing. Andreas Hinze the department is accepting the challenges of national flight competitions. On the 8th may 2015 the precision flight competition of the Austrian Aeroclub took place in Wels, Austria. Two flight crews of the joanneum Aeronautics participated with an Icarus C42 ultra-light aircraft:
Crew 1Dominik Janisch Florian Maier |
Crew 2Thomas Reisner Daniel Scharf |
Each event consists of three competition days. On the first day all crews arrive at the competition location. After a short briefing, the first discipline starts. The goal is to land the aircraft inside a designated strip (only two meters long) on the runway. Every deviation from the target area will be judged with penalty points. The disciple is finished, when every crew has performed five precision landings.
On the second day a navigation task has to be performed. The teams have to plan a route to 5 waypoints given on a flight chart. After the planning is finished, every crew has to fly the route according to their preparation, by aid of only very basic equipment. For scoring, a GPS tracker is evaluated and deviations from the original route are calculated. To reach the best score, the plan has to be obeyed with a precision of few seconds.
On the third day the final ranking is published. We were able to achieve the second place at the event in Wels. The next upcoming events will take place in Kapfenberg, Spitzerberg, Weiz and Ried Kirchheim until the end of August 2015 (detailed information on