This post we want to dedicate to SCOTTY Group Austria GmbH.
SCOTTY Group Austria GmbH is a company based in Raaba-Grambach, Styria. The company was founded in 1994 and now has 33 employees. SCOTTY specializes in beyond line-of-sight audio, video and data for communication and surveillance. Products are used in air, sea, and land by multinational corporations, peace-keeping forces, border police, and civil protection agencies.
“We want to ensure secure communication –
from anywhere and anytime under any circumstances.”
SCOTTY develops, produces and qualifies DO160 certified hardware products for satellite communication for helicopters, airplanes and UAVs.
SCOTTYs maritime products enable live high quality duplex audio/video combined with data exchange for surveillance from shore.
SCOTTY land solutions provide portable surveillance equipment for HD real-time video streaming, video communication, and data exchange over low bandwidth satellite networks.
SCOTTYs videosystems guarantee secure data exchange for remote applications, for example video conferences.
SCOTTY has long-term SatCom experience and knowledge in communication solutions that are used worldwide for all kinds of customized applications.
We would like to thank SCOTTY for their generous support! Visit SCOTTY’s website or check out Instagram.