Like our predecessors, we had to wait until this particular day to get the official acceptance for this year’s DBF-competition. But what is it all about?
We are especially proud to be able to announce that we are one of the selected teams which got the approval for the AIAA Design-Build-Fly Competition in Wichita, Kansas, and on top of that, we are the best European team! But our journey already started with building the team in August 2021. Once the rules were published in September, we were able to divide the team into subteams to achieve the best distribution of specialists. This season the task is to solve a humanitarian mission.
The competition consists of the following 4 Missions:
Mission 1: Deployment Flight
The aircraft must take-off, complete 3 laps in 5 minutes and land successfully. There is no payload for the first mission. For achievement 1 point will be attributed.
Mission 2: Staging Flight
Mission 2 includes a payload of syringes. The minimum number of syringes is 10. The score will be a function of the number of syringes flown and the flight time.
Mission 3: Vaccine Delivery Flight
The payload for mission 3 are vaccine vial packages. For each 10 syringes, a vaccine vial package has to be stored in the aircraft. Each lap, a vaccine vial package has to be dropped on the taxiway automatically. The score will be based on the number of successful vaccine vial packages deployed within the designated drop area without tripping the shock sensor.
Ground Mission: Operational Demonstration
The Ground Mission is a timed mission for a ground demonstration of Missions 2 and 3. The timed mission will begin with the aircraft in the flight configuration inside the “mission box” along with the uninstalled maximum number of vaccine vial packages declared at Tech Inspection and the required number of syringes. The required number of syringes is ten times the maximum number of vaccine vial packages declared at Tech Inspection. The mission box is approximately a 10 feet by 10 feet box.
The overall score will be multiplied with the points achieved in the proposal which is set up to 100 points.